
Pedro Mello - Drummer and Percussionist


Pedro Geraldo Barros Pires de Mello was born in January 1963 in Volta Redonda city in the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
He grew up listening to his father’s bongô, who was a musician from the extinct Rádio Nacional (National Radio Station) and Ruy Rey’s Orchestra. Pedro learned his very first beats listening Milton Banana, Buddy Rich, Bituca and Tom Jobim with his father.
When he was six he put a set of pot lids and played accompanying the radio’s songs.
Later, when he was eight, he received his first drums from his grandmother.
A few ears later when he was eighteen he got into the Lawyer’s University in Rio de Janeiro City until the 8th period. At the same time he had private drum’s classes with Rubens Ohana (Tamba Trio’s drummer). And the music beat stronger inside his veins, so he gave up the University and started studying drums at the Music School “Villa Lobos”.

In 1980 he started his career as an amateur drummer in the band Auto-Forno.
 In 1984, as a professional, he played with a great Brazilian singer and composer Tunai in a Brazilian Tour then he couldn’t stop it any longer...
He played with Simone Caymmi, Tunai, Raimundo Costa, Tânia Maria, lia “Cristina” Duncan, João Pinheiro, Rosanna, Tim Maia (Vitória Régia), Cláudia Otero, Eliane Faria, Joanna, Junior Marvin, besides others not less famous from the national “MPB” (Brazilian Popular Music) scenery and also International.
He took part, about three years, in the Orquestra de Guitarras da Universidade Estácio de Sá (Guitar Orchestra from Estácio de Sá University).
He partakes actively, for years, in recording scenes and songs for TV soap opera, Special shows for the biggest national TV system in Brazil called “Rede Globo”. His most recent work to “Rede Globo” was the recording of all the percussions of a children program called Sítio do Pica Pau Amarelo and the drums and percussions of Tempos Modernos, Renascer, Da Cor do Pecado, Como uma Onda, Sinhá Moça, Paraíso, Cama de Gato, Tempos Modernos, Morde e Assopra and  Os Caras de Pau.
As a percussionist Pedro recorded two tracks of a reggae CD (alive) from The Wailers, in Brazil, invited by the leader, singer and guitar player Junior Marvin.
Pedro is graduated in Musical Production and Recording Engeneering at Estacio de Sá University.
Nowadays, besides other works, he’s a drummer from Perê, Mob Jay, Raphael Lós, Jonas Miller Band and O Nome do Grupo.


He’s a drums teacher and teaches in Mega Star - Produtora deTalentos Musicais,  at Nova Friburgo - RJ, in Rio de Janeiro State.
He also gives private drums lessons to many different ages and levels.
Pedro has been in a production of a instructional video and, with a bass player, he will show many international grooves and also many Brazilian grooves like Baião, Salsa, Funk, Samba, Bossa Nova, fusion, and so on.
He also been planning his first solo Cd, which might happens in 2012.

Pedro Mello is a Vic Firth Inc. Drumsticks and Mallets International endorsee www.vicfirth.com/artists/art.php?letter=M. In Brazil Vic Firth is dristibuted by Izzo Musical www.izzomusical.com.br/vicfirth/artista/pedro-mello.



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2011 - PEDRO MELLO DRUMS - Criação e Design MR Webdesigner.net