This is a place reserved to display, in chronological order, the recordings I've been participating in the TV Globo, from 1992 ´till nowadays and going ahead...

I've been shooting scenes and mostly incidental music for nineteen years. A lifetime devoted to music.
For these and many other works yet to come, I must thank the musical producers that has been encouraging me and helping me to grow professionally.

They are:
Andre Sperling, Ricardo Ottoboni, Rodolpho Rebuzzi, Mu Carvalho, Kelpo Gils, among others.
By inviting me, directed by their batons, to participate in recording sessions for high-level, envolved me, forever, in a selected musicians and instrumentalists staff of the weight of Newton Rodrigues, Ed Maciel, Macae, Douglas Perez, Nelson Zeitoune, João Mario Macedo, Chico Chagas, Cidinho, Chacal, Chico Miceli, Rogério Meanda, Zizinho, Nicolas Krassik, Toninho Ferragutti, Yassir Chediak, João Carlos Coutinho, Ronaldo Silva, Pedro "Gafanhoto" Benevides, Levi Chaves, Fammarion Gimenez, Herivelto Barros, José Maria, Juno Moraes, Jr.Trakinas, Vini Lobo, Nelio Junior, Julio Diniz, Lucio Silva, Junior Mariano ... and the list goes on ...